Thursday, September 14, 2017

Ask Yourself

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How does it feel to have nothing in your bowl for lunch while everyone else is having a delicious meal ?

Isn't that a cruel way of questioning a hungry person ?

I'm sure it is.

Always put yourself in other people's shoes to constantly remind yourself what it feels to be in their situation.

Have you ever looked at someone and ever thought how it'd be to have their feelings and situation?

Ask yourself how it feels like to not have a home to go when it rains.

Ask yourself what it feels like to be a toddler again.

Ask yourself how does it feel to return back to your college life when you're 70 with your old friends.

Ask yourself how it might be to look back at your crush after years of marriage with an improper

Ask yourself how it feels like to return to your classroom after you've got your 60-year-old retirement.

Ask yourself what a feeling it could be to look at your parents smiling at all of your victories.

Ask yourself how it feels if you barely can utter a word in a language you're suppose to teach.

Ask yourself how you might feel like if you were not able to see, hear or speak.

Ask yourself how far you would have pursued in a field you've always admired.

Ask yourself if you ever get an opportunity to be someone else, who would it be?

Just ask, yourself. Take a moment to be grateful for everything that you have in life right now.

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